Last night at Cineplexx MK : Thor Ragnarok - our Art Director Тхе Мичо was showing off and drew an amazing illustration for the prepremiere :)
We had lots of fun! What did you think about the movie? #Thor #ThorRagnarok #Prepremiere #Cineplexx #Illustration#Macedonia #Skopje #Art #IllustrationArt #LynxAnimation #2DAnimation#Studio It's Friday and a long weekend is ahead of us!
We're as happy as the cast from Uncle Zark's Intergalactic Super Summer Space Camp 😀 Art by: Тхе Мичо #2D #AnimationStudio #art #Illustration #Cartoon #LynxCartoons#LynxAnimationStudios #2DAnimationStudio #SF #spaceopera#comedy #Action #Adventure #Animation #AnimationStudios#Macedonia #Skopje #IllustrationArt #TGIF #FriYay Friday, 20.10.2017 the exhibition of the contemporary Macedonian animation called “Animation Nation” will be officially open!
You will see the creations of our artists in a few of the projects that we worked on.. Starting from 7 PM there will be a screening of Macedonian animated short films, followed by an exibit of illustrations of their video games and animations. See you at The Cinematheque of Macedonia! Во петок 20.10.2017, ќе биде отворена изложбата “Нација на Анимација” посветена на македонската современа анимација. Ќе имате можност да ги видите делата на кои нашите современи уметници неуморно работеа; македонски анимирани филмови чија проекција започнува во 19 часот, а изложени ќе бидат илустрации од нивните видео игри и анимации. Се гледаме во Кинотека на Македонија (Cinematheque of Macedonia)! Walking bravely into the new week. Just like Dragan...
#Dragongarten #Animation #LynxAnimation #Studio #Studios#Illustration #2D #LynxCartoons A year and almost a half of million views later, Lynx Animation Studios collaborated with Faith No More in producing their music video #ConeOfShame for "Sol Invictus" album and put Republic of Macedonia on the #Rock map of the world by being first time in the Rolling Stone magazine.
This will be a rockin' weekend! \m/
Lynx Animation Studios2D animation & video games Archives
December 2017
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